Tracking/off-line sort with trackMain/GEBSort

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Example of tracking and sorting

To get the tracking software (trackMain) and ROOT sorter (GEBSort_nogeb) you can

mkdir whereYouWantToWork
cd    whereYouWantToWork
svn checkout .
make offline

This will make the GEBSort_nogeb program, which is the GEBSort ROOTsorter without the software to connet to the GEB tap (hence, make offline). This version of the code can read mode 1 or mode 2 data and does not need a VxWorks license to be installed. The trackMain code will also be generated, the software to add tracked data to the mode 2 data steam (then also know as mode 1 data).

Here is a simple example of how to track some data from gretina and sort it using the GEBSort_nogebn program to make spectra.

First the tracking part:

 ./GEBSort_nogeb \
   -input disk GTDATA/mode2.gtd RECREATE \
   -chat \
   -rootfile GTDATA/test.root > GTDATA/GEBSort.log
 ln -s /home/tl/d6/GEBSort/GEBSort_testdata GTDATA
 ./trackMain  GTDATA/mode2.gtd  GTDATA/mode1.gtd  > GTDATA/trackMain.log

Here we ask the tracker to read the GTDATA/mode2.gtd data, add tracking information to the data stream and write the output to GTDATA/mode1.gtd. The parameters for the tracking are in the file. You should set the link GTDATA to where your data is

With the mode 1 data now created, you can now use the offline version of GEBSort_nogeb to sort the data for display in ROOT as

 ./GEBSort_nogeb \
 -input disk GTDATA/mode1.gtd RECREATE \
 -chat \
 -rootfile GTDATA/test.root > GTDATA/GEBSort.log

The parameters used to sort the data are specified in the file, which came from the svn repository. To display the sorted spectra do this

  root -l

A bar should pop up. Now compile GSUtil by clicking on the upper most button, then read in the root file that GEBSort_nogeb made by pushing the second button. The data is now ready to be displayed by pushing the buttons listed under mode2 or mode 1 (or by hand if you like)

Notice that you could equally well use GEBSort_nogeb to sort just the mode2 data, like

 ./GEBSort_nogeb \
   -input disk GTDATA/mode2.gtd RECREATE \
   -chat \
   -rootfile GTDATA/test.root > GTDATA/GEBSort.log

Of cource, there would be no mode 1 data to be displayed from the root file, but it will sort the mode 2 data.

The tracking parameters []

ohh, there are so many... TBD

The sorting parameters []

For offline use, these parameters are the only ones that matter for now

 nevents           2000000000
 printevents       10
 beta              0.0