Running the GEANT4 simulation code

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much in these instructions are for locals at the moment

Instructions for compiling on SL linux boxes

 cd ~/geant4

 #---- to compile clhep
 # --> not necessary anymore!!

 #---- to compile geant4

 rm -rf geant4.9.6.p01
 tar -zxvf tars/geant4.9.6.p01.tar.gz
 cd geant4.9.6.p01
 mkdir data
 cd data
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/G4EMLOW.6.32.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/G4NEUTRONXS.1.2.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/G4PhotonEvaporation.2.3.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/G4PII.1.3.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/G4RadioactiveDecay.3.6.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/G4SAIDDATA.1.1.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf ../../tars/RealSurface.1.0.tar.gz
 cd ..
 mkdir geant4.9.6-build
 cd geant4.9.6-build
 cmake -DGEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/geant4/geant4.9.6.p01/geant4.9.6-build $HOME/geant4/geant4.9.6.p01 
 make -j8
 cd ../..

 #---- to compile the LR agata/gretina simulator

rm -rf v1.2.4 or whatevev the latest version name is v1.x
tar -zxvf tars/v1.2.4.tgz
cd v1.3
. ../geant4.9.6.p01/geant4.9.6-build/
make clean
# run an example of mac file for gretina
~/geant4_workdir/bin/Linux-g++/UCGretina eu152/eu152.mac

to run the code

cd /home/tl/geant4/v1.3.0
. ../geant4.9.6.p01/geant4.9.6-build/
~/geant4_workdir/bin/Linux-g++/UCGretina eu152/eu152.mac
ls -lt *.out


cd /home/tl/geant4/v1.3.0
. ../geant4.9.6.p01/geant4.9.6-build/
~/geant4_workdir/bin/Linux-g++/UCGretina co60/co60.mac
ls -lt *.out
mv co60.out /media/120621a/user/gtdata/G4Co60_NSCL/g4.dat

Modify the included GRETINA modules

modify: GretinaGeometry/Greta/G120C4euler.list. Here is the complete list of GRETINA modules:

 0  0    288.00   0.00000     0.000 0 0 0
 1  0      0.00   0.00000     0.000 0 0 0
 2  0     72.00   0.00000     0.000 0 0 0
 3  0    144.00   0.00000     0.000 0 0 0
 4  0    216.00   0.00000     0.000 0 0 0
 5  0    235.58  63.43495    16.420 0 0 0
 6  0     91.58  63.43495    16.420 0 0 0
 7  0     91.58  63.43495    88.420 0 0 0
 8  0     91.58  63.43495   160.420 0 0 0
 9  0     91.58  63.43495   232.420 0 0 0
10  0    -52.42  63.43495   304.420 0 0 0
11  0   -340.42  63.43495   304.420 0 0 0
12  0    -52.42  63.43495    16.420 0 0 0
13  0     19.58  63.43495    16.420 0 0 0
14  0    -52.42  63.43495    88.420 0 0 0
15  0     19.58  63.43495    88.420 0 0 0
16  0    -52.42  63.43495   160.420 0 0 0
17  0     19.58  63.43495   160.420 0 0 0
18  0    -52.42  63.43495   232.420 0 0 0
19  0     19.58  63.43495   232.420 0 0 0
20  0     55.58 116.56505   268.420 0 0 0
21  0    -88.42 116.56505    52.420 0 0 0
22  0     55.58 116.56505    52.420 0 0 0
23  0     55.58 116.56505   124.420 0 0 0
24  0     55.58 116.56505   196.420 0 0 0
25  0    -16.42 116.56505   340.420 0 0 0
26  0    -16.42 116.56505    52.420 0 0 0
27  0    -16.42 116.56505   124.420 0 0 0
28  0    -16.42 116.56505   196.420 0 0 0
29  0    -16.42 116.56505   268.420 0 0 0

Just include the ones you want to have in the array in the G120C4euler.list file

analyze the G4 mode2 data

To make mode2/mode1 data and analyze with GEBSort, you can do something like this: first download the GEBSort packages see then

 make G4toMode2_US

that will make the G4toMode2_US program that can read the GEANT4 output files, pack the data and write it in mode2 format.

 rm GTDATA/g4_mode2.out
 ./G4toMode2_US \
    /media/120621a/user/gtdata/G4Co60_NSCL/g4.dat \
    GTDATA/g4_mode2.out \ > GTDATA/G4toMode2.log
  ls -lh GTDATA/g4_mode2.out

You can look at this mode2 data with GEBSort_nogeb

 rm GTDATA/test.root
 ./GEBSort_nogeb \
   -input disk GTDATA/g4_mode2.out RECREATE \
   -chat \
   -rootfile GTDATA/test.root > GTDATA/GEBSort.log

analyze the G4 mode1/mode2 data

you can track the data and look at both the mode1 and mode2 data as

  rm GTDATA/g4_mode2.out
 ./G4toMode2_US \
    /media/120621a/user/gtdata/G4Co60_NSCL/g4.dat \
    GTDATA/g4_mode2.out \ > GTDATA/G4toMode2.log
  ls -lh GTDATA/g4_mode2.out
  ./trackMain  GTDATA/g4_mode2.out  GTDATA/g4_mode1.out      > GTDATA/trackMain.log
  rm GTDATA/test.root
 ./GEBSort_nogeb \
   -input disk GTDATA/g4_mode1.out RECREATE \
   -chat \
   -rootfile GTDATA/test.root > GTDATA/GEBSort.log