The GRETINA network at ANL
The decomposition cluster is located in g126 and has a 10GBit fiber optics link to area 4 where the digitizer racks are located. There is a 1GBit fiber optics link from g126 to the data room as well. The NAT box that defines private network,, is located in g126. The gretina 10.0.x.x network (private) is separate from onenet.
There are two fiber runs from g126. One goes to the area4 experimental hall:
|10GB switch(b)|---------------------|10GB switch(a)|........| NAT| (digitizers) ^ (decomposition cluster) | Fiber run 1 ^---- we hang the 1GB network under the road to the DATA room from here
The other goes to the ATLAS dataroom
data room (my switch) g126 (GRETINA switch) |1GB switch|.....|FMC|---------------------|FMC|.....|10GB switch(a)| ^ ^ ^ simple 1GB | | | switch cu Fiber run 2 cu under the road
where FMC denotes Fiber Media Converter (LC to regular RJ45 Gigabit)
Access from outside to the GRETINA network
You can access the the GRETINA private network through the NAT box that defines the private network, You will be port-forwarded to a linux box called 'ws1.gam'. For accounts on this linux box (and thereby access to the GRETINA private network), send an Email to [email protected]. Once you have ssh'ed to this machine, you can ssh from there to any of the other GRETINA nodes. There are no direct outsideIP-to-insideIP connections to other GRETINA nodes as it was done at MSU.