Edit Vehicles

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Creating Vehicles

To create a vehicle in Greet a user should simply press the "Data Editor" button, select "Vehicles", "Modify Vehicles", and finally press the "Add New Vehicle Button" located on the bottom right of the window. After doing so the user is presented with the window shown to the Right. This is where you input the basic. parameters of your new vehicles. In order to create a new vehicle a user must define:

  • The name of Vehicle.
  • Whether the vehicle is Grid-Connected or not. Recall that a Grid-Connected car would be the equivalent of a hybrid vehicle.
  • The main fuel the vehicle will run on (more fuels and fuel blending can be added later)
  • Finally a user must define its base vehicle for emissions and fuel economy, or simply denote the new vehicle being made as the base vehicle via the check boxes.

Editing Vehicles