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Co-loading ATK and VASP modules

This module needs MPICH2 libraries (happily provided by Intel-MPI), and hence clashes with VASP, which uses HPC/Applications/openmpi.

Co-existence is possible as follows:

module unload openmpi
module load atk
module load openmpi
module load vasp5      # … or other versions

Parallel jobs

Local changes
  • We use Intel-MPI instead of MPICH2, with the Hydra process manager instead of MPD. See the sample.job file for details:

Remote access from Windows

  1. Install ATK on your machine.
  2. You will need an ATK license to run VNL or atpkypthon. Choose one of the following to remotely access Carbon's licenses:
    1. Basic: Set up license forwarding using PuTTY.
    2. Advanced: Set up license forwarding using Cygwin.
  3. Configure ATK to use forwarded licenses.

To connect:

  1. Follow section Connecting to reach clogin.
  2. Start VNL or atkpython normally on your machine.
  3. Troubleshoot ATK licensing.