HPC/Network Access/PuTTY Configuration

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The Carbon cluster is reachable from networks outside of Argonne through SSH tunneling or VPN, either of which has advantages and disadvantages. This page explains how to set up and use SSH tunneling.

Should your connection attempt fail, first review your access requirements and take steps as indicated.


The following steps need to be performed once for each workstation you wish to use to access Carbon.


To connect to Carbon for interactive work, or to access its networked licenses, perform a preparatory step, needed only once for a given Windows login session.

From then on, and while the preparatory window remains active, connect as often as desired.

File Transfers using PSFTP

  1. Configure your PuTTY installation as shown above.
  2. Connect to the SSH Gateway, as shown in the preceeding section.
  3. Open the psftp application.
    Use clogin (your configured PuTTY saved session name) as host to connect to.

To learn more, see the PSFTP documentation.


If you have difficulties connecting:

  1. Stop all open PuTTY sessions.
  2. Review the PuTTY configuration for both the SSH Gateway profile and the Carbon Login profile, as shown in section #Configuring above.
    • Make sure that tunneled port numbers match between the two profiles.
  3. Carefully follow the steps at #Connecting . Remember:
    • You need one preparatory connection to the SSH gateway running, then you can open one or more terminal or file transfer connections.
    • For the connection framework described here, open all SSH connections from your own machine, never from Mega.

If you still have difficulties, submit a support request with Remote Acces chosen from the drop-down menu Type of Request or Issue.