Email Services/Zimbra User Documentation/CalDAV

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Generic Instructions

Q) Can I use CalDAV to sync my calendar?

A) Yes. Point your CalDAV client at your calendar with the URI below. Replace "" with your fully qualified Zimbra username (Ie:

Thunderbird w/ Lightning

This has been tested with Thunderbird 3.0.4 and Lightning 1.0b1:

   Must map each calendar separately

Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) or later

iPhone users note:
  • If you wish to sync any of your calendars with an iPhone, you'll need to ensure that none of the Calendars have a space in their name. Log into Zimbra and rename any calendars (even ones you have that are shared from someone else) such that there are no spaces in the names. Use CamelCase, hyphens or underscores.
  • Any events you add on your iPhone cannot go directly onto one of these calendars, as iTunes will only let you add to a "local" calendar. If you typically don't add appointments on your iPhone, this is probably not a big deal. If you do, it would be a good idea to designate a local calendar to be for the iPhone, then when you sync you can drag appointments to the right calendar.

We expect these issues to go away once iPhone 2.0 is released with ActiveSync support, in which case your phone can sync directly with the server without using the cradle.

Setting up iCal for CalDAV
  • If you have previously installed the Zimbra Sync Preference Pane, go into that and uncheck Calendar syncing. If you need Contacts syncing, you'll still need this connector, otherwise you can remove it.
  • Open iCal, and then open its Preferences (Command-,).
  • Go into the accounts tab.
  • Add a new account by clicking the plus sign (+) at the bottom of the left hand window.
  • Description is whatever you like (eg, "Zimbra")
  • Username is your zimbra login name
  • Password is your Argonne Domain Password.
  • Click the Server Options triangle, and in the URL enter:<username>@zimbra-domain/
If you're at all unsure what your full <username>@zimbra-domain is, simply login to Zimbra, click Preferences, then look at the Accounts tab. At present, almost all users in MCS, ALCF, and the CELS office are in, for example.

After this is done, all your calendars will show up in iCal. You can drag them into the order you like, uncheck the ones you don't want to see, change their colors, etc. Note: You'll get the alarms for all Calendars by default. You can either turn off all alarms in iCal (in Preferences, Advanced), or on each Calendar you don't want alarms for, right-click and choose "Get Info", then check "Ignore alarms".

Changes in iCal are uploaded to the server immediately. Changes on the server are refreshed in iCal on the schedule chose in the Accounts tab, or on-demand by right-clicking the calendar and selecting "Refresh".

In order to add an appointment to a CalDAV Calendar, be sure it's the one highlighted in the calendar list on the left. If you try to add to a calendar to which you do not have write access, you will get an error. Deleting the appointment will fix that.