= efficiency [J/J]
= material [Tag]
= set of basic resources (coal,ng, oil, uranium ore, wind, hydro, solar, etc.) [Tags]
= energy content of a material
= amount of a material
= main output [Tag]
= co-product material [Tag]
= Energy loss of a material
= Feed Loss [J]
= List of all of the process inputs [List]
= List of all of the process Copruducts [List]
= List of all of inputs in a group (amount or efficiency group) [List]
= List of all of inputs in a group which have share (amount of efficiency) [List]
= energy vector [J]
= energy vector associated with upstream energy to produce
[J/J, J/g, J/l]
= process input energy [J]
= group energy [J]
= process input energy without upstream (energy used by the process) [J]
= group energy without upstream [J]
= emission vector [g]
= energy vector associated with emissions to produce [g/J,g/g,g/l]
= energy-emissions vector
= energy-emissions upstream vector vector
= energy vector associated with main output production at process
= energy vector associated with process losses
= emissions vector associated with main output production at process
= total process energy associated with main output production [Tag]
= technology [Tag]
= mode of transportation (rail, barge, etc.) [Tag]
= energy intensity [J/g/m]
= emission factors vector for fuel
and technology
= emission factor for process fuel
and transportation mode
= distance [m]
= list of technologies
= list of transportation modes
= share for the process fuel
= technology share for the process fuel
= heating value [J/gal] for liquids, [J/$l</math>] for gases, [J/sh tn] for solids
= density [g/gal] for liquids, [g/
] for gases, does not exist for solids