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G.H2 Production

In Excel

LH2 Storage in Excel

This process can only be find on the Hydrogen spreadsheet, cell B62. This process defines a Share of feedstock input as feed( the rest as process fuel) value. We are going to handle this in a different way in the .net version but which is equivalent. Basically instead of having a part of the process fuel in Natural Gas and another part in Natural Gas : Feed loss as it is done in GREET Excel 1.8d.0, we are going to introduce a chemical reaction technology. The remaining NG which is coming from the feed and used as a process fuel will go through that Chemical Reaction Process, will produce 0 emissions, but will be accounted as a energy consumption.

In .net


LH2 Production

We are trying to calculate some shares for the NG actually burned, and the NG lost in the chemical reaction.

The formula : is usually giving us the amount of NG process fuel used, here in that case a part of it will be used within the process without any combustion.

In Excel, the amount of process fuel is given by :

And the amount of fuel used as feed is given by :

The total NG used by this process is given by : , now the technologies will be assigned to the total NG

In GREET now

Now in GREET this process has two inputs, Natural Gas and Electricity. This process is modeled without any co products, no Steam nor Electricity is displaced or allocated, this is going to be worked out later.

G.H2 Production from NG in .net