Motor scans

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  • ascan motor start finish intervals time

The argument motor (and m1, m2 and m3) is a motor number or mnemonic, such as vz, hx, or sy.

  • a2scan m1 s1 f1 m2 s2 f2 intervals time
  • a3scan m1 s1 f1 m2 s2 f2 m3 s3 f3 intervals time

ascan, a2scan and a3scan are single-, two- and three-motor absolute-position scans.

  • mesh m1 s1 f1 intervals1 m2 s2 f2 intervals2 time

mesh is a nested two-motor scan, where the first motor scans through its range at each point of the second motor's scan.

  • lup motor start finish intervals time
  • dscan motor start finish intervals time
  • d2scan m1 s1 f1 m2 s2 f2 intervals time
  • d3scan m1 s1 f1 m2 s2 f2 m3 s3 f3 intervals time

lup (or equivalently dscan), d2scan and d3scan are single- and two- and three-motor relative position scans. The starting and finishing positions are given relative to the current position, and the motors are returned to their starting position at the end of the scan. These relative position scans are defined in terms of the absolute-position scans.