Email Services/Zimbra User Documentation/Internal sharing

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To share the calendar with a colleague at Argonne, so that they can view it and add or edit events, you first need to know that person's Zimbra email address. Let's say that you want to share your calendar with [email protected]. From the Zimbra web page, click the Preferences tab at top right, and then pick Sharing in the Preferences menu at left. At the bottom of the screen, select Calendar as the Folder type, and then click on Share:

Zcal sharing.png

You then have to select your public calendar as the one to share, and click OK at the bottom:

Zcal sharing which calendar.png

The sharing window will now pop up. Pick Internal users or groups at the top, enter the Email address, select the Role of Manager, and click OK at the bottom:

Zcal share internal.png

The person you have added will now get the standard email message informing them of their access to your public calendar. Remember, in this case by selecting Manager for the Role you've given them permission to add and remove events.