Email Services/Zimbra User Documentation/FAQ

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Does it do Calendaring?


Does it do Task Lists?


Does it do IMAP?


Does it do POP?


Does it do MAPI?

Yes. With the use of a client-side plugin.

Is there a message size limit?

Yes. The maximum message size is currently set to 100MB.

What is the message size limit at some other sites?

As of 2009.10.10:

  • ORNL 15MB (moving to 50MB)
  • JLAB 15MB
  • SLAC 20MB
  • LBNL 25MB (to align with GMail)
  • NREL 30MB
  • PPPL 80MB
  • AMES 100MB
  • BNL 100MB
  • LLNL 100MB

Is there a limit to the number of attachments I can add to a message via the web client?

Not that we have found. We have tested it with as many as 16 attachments thus far.

Can I have the Web interface startup with the calendar instead of mail?

You can do this by clicking and bookmarking one of the following URLs:

What does Zimbra look like?

Screen Shots

Does it support wireless syncing with devices, like the Treo, iPhone, and the BlackBerry?


How Do I Move My Existing Mail to Zimbra?

  • Talk to your Zimbra Domain administrator. They can provide you with the various options and recommend a procedure that's best for you.

How do I get my Incoming Mail to go to the Zimbra Server?

There are multiple ways to get your email to go to the Zimbra server. Some of these are described below.

Use the Argonne Alias Application

If your mail is normally delivered via an alias you have configured in the [alias application], then you're in luck -- this is probably the easiest way to get your mail to the Zimbra server.


  1. Log into the Argonne Alias Application -- (Mac Users: Use Firefox to follow this link, as Safari does not accept a certificate.)
  2. Click on your alias.
  3. Change the settings to specify your Zimbra account. Here's an example, using Brian Finley's alias (which is [email protected]):
[email protected]
WARNING: If you have a) two accounts listed, and b) one of them is your exchange account, there is a side effect of which you should be aware. In this situation, mail that originates from Exchange, or an Exchange connected client (Ie: Outlook via MAPI, or Exchange Webmail) will be delivered to your Exchange account, but not to your Zimbra account. This problem is understood, but the resolution is non-trivial. For now, the workaround is to either have your mail client check both accounts, or to only list one account in the alias application. It is possible to only list your Zimbra account in the alias application, and for you to tell Zimbra to keep a local copy, and also forward your mail to your Exchange account via your preferences in the Zimbra web interface. However, you must bear in mind that Zimbra is still a pilot with no service level guarantees.

Migrating Email off MS Exchange

Any alias in the alias application will be ignored for Exchange-originated mail when a previous alias setting pointed to any Exchange server in the Lab. Only removal of that Exchange account will solve this problem. The following steps must be taken to extricate a Lab email alias from MS Exchange:


  1. Update Lab alias through one of the following links:
    1. [1] -- Requires ANL domain account, Firefox only
    2. [2] -- Requires Control Identifier, i.e., your prior password, and works in Safari
  2. Wait at most 30 minutes for refresh -- expect test message to new alias target from [email protected] (Hermes Super-User)
  3. Convince yourself that the new alias works for external mail.
  4. Migrate Calendars and Contacts if needed, using the "Outlook import Wizard". TODO: locate link.
  5. Move all messages you wish to preserve, including those in folders, off your Exchange account, and into to your new mailbox, e.g. using an IMAP mail client connected to both accounts.
  6. Have Exchange mailbox deleted entirely by your Exchange administrator, preferably near the end of the business day. Note that just deactivation or hiding does not work.
  7. Wait overnight for Exchange to flush cache (until this happens, Exchange users will get bounces).
  8. Verify: have an Outlook or Entourage user send mail to your lab alias.


procmail rule for Linux and Unix Geeks

If you use procmail, and would like to keep receiving your mail in whatever way you currently receive mail, but would still like to give Zimbra a try, you can add the following rule to your .procmailrc file. It will send a copy of every message it sees on to the email address specified, but will then continue to process each message with your subsequent rules.

#  Send a copy to [email protected] then continue processing.
:0 c
! [email protected]

See man procmailex or man procmailrc for details.

How does the Zimbra Web Client Compare with Outlook and Exchange?

A brief answer is that the Zimbra Web Client is similar in functionality to the Outlook Web Client, with some Additional Features and Some misssing Features. For a more detailed investigation check it out here. Outlook Web Client vs. Zimbra Web Client.

As far as The Outlook Client itself, it is more full featured than the Zimbra Web Client. However, the Zimbra Server itself does support MAPI connections via Outlook, through the installation of a simple plugin. I have not had a lot of time to test it, but initially it looks and feels just like outlook when connected to exchange. Early on there are errors downloading the GAL, which are preventing testing of much of the Collaboration features of outlook, however the email seems to work with full support of folders, rules, and searching. Once I have more time to investigate, i will post more information


Does Zimbra have Fail Over Capabilities?

Our current configuration includes a cold-standby server for manual fail over in the case of hardware failure on one of the servers.

Do "Mail Filters" Created in the Web Client Work if I Use Some Other Client to Check my Mail?


Mail Filters happen on the Zimbra servers and are independent of the client you use to check your mail.

Note: "Mail Filters" are set by clicking on the "View or edit your options" tab on the left, then the "Mail Filters" tab on the top right.

How does the "matches pattern" feature in "Mail Filters" work?

It allows you to use the following characters as wildcards:

* (matches anything, any number of times)
? (matches anything once)
\ (escapes the next character -- Ie: "\*" will match an asterisk, instead of being considered a wildcard)

What is the maximum possible mailbox size?

We don't have a maximum mailbox size. We do have customers who have some users with 1GB - 4 GB mailboxes. --Anup Patwardhan / Senior Systems Architect - Zimbra

What happens when I click on "Send Error Report"?

When you click the 'Send error report' button, an email is sent to the team at Zimbra. --Zimbra Team

Is it possible to do mail box delegation? Such as in the case of a supervisor delegating their mailbox to an assistant?

This is possible in Outlook today and will be in the Zimbra Web UI next release, beta available December 15th, 2006. --Zimbra Team

Is it possible to "undelete deleted mail" from the server side?

Once a user empties their trash folder, the email is completely deleted from the user's mailbox. An administrator would have to go to an incremental backup, and restore the user's mail to a temporary mailbox to get the message back. In a worst case scenario, it may be possible to recreate the messages using the Zimbra journal files.

We are working on functionality in the server which will keep deleted messages for a certain amount of time before completely removing it from the system. This will be available in a future release. --Zimbra Team

In a situation such as an employee leaving, is there a way to transfer all of that employee's mail to the mailbox of another employee?

We can take a backup of the departing user's mailbox and restore the contents of that mailbox into an existing mailbox or a new mailbox. We can restore messages into the user's mailbox or you can also use command line utilities to inject particular messages from the user's mailbox into an existing mailbox. --Zimbra Team


What is a connector?

Connectors are software installed on desktops or notebooks to allow certain software to connect to the Zimbra server. Connectors are provided for Microsoft Outlook and Apple iSync.

Who is responsible for connector updates?

Connector updates are the responsibility of the user, the user's Zimbra Domain Admin(s), or the user's IT Support Staff.