STARCCM+ Fusion: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "First, you need to get the correct path to STAR-CCM+ in your $PATH environmental variable. On Fusion, this is managed by SoftEnv. To add the current version to your path, add the…")
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Here is a sample PBS script for submitting STAR-CCM+ jobs. In addition to the above STAR-CD sample, this script runs commands that time the run. Note: This script requires you to change the name of the .sim file. This one looks for one named "star.sim "
#PBS -lnodes=4:ppn=4,walltime=48:00:00
#PBS -N starcccmp_q
#PBS -j oe
# get the hosts in a format the star utility requires
NHOSTS=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`
echo '#######################################'
echo " "
echo '++++ began:' `date`
echo '++++ # of hosts: ' $NHOSTS
which starccm+
echo " "
echo '#######################################'
echo " "
TBEGIN=`echo "print time();" | ssh eddyeth perl`
starccm+ -batch -np $NHOSTS -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -rsh ssh star.sim  > starccmp.log 2>&1
TEND=`echo "print time();" | ssh eddyeth perl`
echo " "
echo '++++ ended:'  `date`

Latest revision as of 12:21, June 2, 2011

First, you need to get the correct path to STAR-CCM+ in your $PATH environmental variable. On Fusion, this is managed by SoftEnv. To add the current version to your path, add the key +starccm+-6.02.007 to your .soft file:

cat >> .soft <<EOF

Check your environment by issuing the command:

which starccm+

This should return:


Here is a sample PBS script for submitting STAR-CCM+ jobs. In addition to the above STAR-CD sample, this script runs commands that time the run. Note: This script requires you to change the name of the .sim file. This one looks for one named "star.sim "

#PBS -lnodes=4:ppn=4,walltime=48:00:00
#PBS -N starcccmp_q
#PBS -j oe
# get the hosts in a format the star utility requires
NHOSTS=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`
echo '#######################################'
echo " "
echo '++++ began:' `date`
echo '++++ # of hosts: ' $NHOSTS
which starccm+
echo " "
echo '#######################################'
echo " "

TBEGIN=`echo "print time();" | ssh eddyeth perl`

starccm+ -batch -np $NHOSTS -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -rsh ssh star.sim  > starccmp.log 2>&1

TEND=`echo "print time();" | ssh eddyeth perl`

echo " "
echo '++++ ended:'  `date`