"How to" for analysis code

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[last updated July 11, 2019]

Everything should be performed in digios/analysis/working directory,

  • .txt file extension is editable for user.
  • .dat file extension is not supposed to be edited, they are generated.

How to get option for a method or function ?

For most of the bash script, if you have no argument or the argument is "-help" it will display help massage

working>../Cleopatra/Transfer -help

For most root macro, for example, RDTCutsCreator(), after typed the first bracket, use tab, it will display the arguments.


then press tab. it will show

root>RDTCutsCreator(TString filename, TString saveFileName = "rdtCuts.root", int eRange = 4000, int eRange = 60000 )

How to process run?

CAUTION: If the code is git clone or download recently, please go to ~/digios/analysis/GEBSort, and
GEBSort>make offline
working>./process_run [RUNNUM]

The bash script will download run [RUNNUM], merge, event building, mapping, and Monitors.C

to see more options, ./process_run without any argument


How to process multiple runs ?

edit ChainMonitors.C

you can see it use the TChain class.

to add files, for example, add the run 33 to 40, 42, 45, and 50


Then, in process_run

working>./process_run 50 1 1 1 2

Notice that it will download run 50 ONLY.

How to change or add a recoil Cuts ?

see #How to use RDTCutsCreator ?

How to change the array position ?

edit the file detectorGeo.txt

How to change the calculation for Ex and thetaCM ?

edit the file reactionConfig.txt, than recalculate the reaction.dat by running ../Cleopatra/Transfer


How to change the kinematic E-Z line?

see #How to simulate the kinematics?

The E-Z lines are stored in fxList in transfer.root

In Monitors.C, at the end or Monitors::Terminate().

you can see the code call fxList.

How to simulate the kinematics?

CAUTION: If the code is git clone or download recently, please go to ~/digios/analysis/Cleopatra, and make.


  • reactionConfig.txt
  • detectorGeo.txt
  • Ex.txt

Then run


after that, 2 files will be generated, 1) reaction.dat, 2) transfer.root

a tree is inside transfer.root.

you can see the tree branches by

root> tree->Print()

(I know some variable names are confusing, and I will update them soon)

How to use RDTCutsCreator ?

After ./process_run, the ../Armory/RDTCutsCreator.C will be loaded.

root>RDTCutsCreator( [filename], [save file name], [E range], [dE range] )

The default [save file name] is "rdtCuts.root". If you like to use other [save file name], please correct the TString rdtCutFile in Monitors.C

if something go wrong during the RDTCutsCreator, simply delete the "rdtCuts.root".

How to do DWBA calculation ?

CAUTION: If the code is git clone or download recently, please go to ~/digios/analysis/Cleopatra, and make. CAUTION: ONLY IN LINUX, because Ptolemy only work in Linux.

edit the file example, then

working>./Cleopatra example 1 1 1 1 0 [minAng] [maxAng] [angStep]

This will generate the example.in, feed to Ptolemy, output example.out, extract the differential cross section into

  • example.Xsec.txt
  • example.root

And plot the d.s.c. using example.root

It will also generate example.Ex.txt

For arguments meaning, use Cleopatra without any argument


How to do kinematics simulation with DWBA differential cross section ?

see #How to do DWBA calculation ? first.


  • reactionConfig.txt
  • detectorGeo.txt
  • example

Make sure the reaction in the reactionConfig.txt is matching with that in example

working>./Cleopatra example 1 1 1 0 1  0 180 1

The excitation levels is using example.Ex.txt.

The bash script will calculate the DWBA d.s.c. using Cleopatra, then using ../Cleopatra/Transfer to do the simulation.

see #How to simulate the kinematics?