Specific Instructions for Specific Experiments
ISS Experiments
Software Information
- lump all software [daq control, sorting, monitoring, etc.] under single folder on repo
- Use the new inside repo [1] or maybe a git repo
iss001-mg28 [Sharp, 09/2018], iss002-hg206 [Kay, 10/2018]
h061_mg26 [McNeel, 3/2018]
Analysis directory on the iMAC [gotoexp]
To process a run on the iMAC
gotoexp ; cd working ./process_run.sh #
Where # is the run number of interest. This command will first pull the data from the DigiOS computer:
get_digios_data #
Then merge all data in a time-sorted fashion:
gebmerge.sh #
Then events are created based on the input file GEBSort.chat
gebsortmerged.sh #
The output file is run#.root. Finally, a general sort is carried out to map the data into the proper HELIOS parameters:
root -l ../root_data/run#.root tree->Process("../codes/GeneralSort.C++")
root -l proccess_run.C(#,0)
The output file is gen.root which is copied to ../root_data/gen_run#.root
To generate the monitor spectra, you can run:
root -l ../root_data/gen_run#.root gen_tree->Process("../codes/Monitors.C++")
Note, that the GeneralSort.C and Monitors.C are located on the svn at
A new branch for all of the DigiOS DAQ control software is here:
Data is stored locally on the DigiOS DAQ Computer at
and a copy will eventually be available on the iMAC at
H060_Pb208 [Kay, 3/2018]
There is an ELOG.
New branch for all of the DigiOS stuff has been made.
Local working directory on MAC
Data is saved on DigiOS
H057_He6 [Chen, 8/2017]
To Do List
- Needs for beam testing
- Control of the digitizer channels for setting threshold, trigger, etc
- A way to quickly process and view the data for beam tuning [online, offline, etc]
- Needs for experiment
- Mapping of the signals [new more simple map?]
- Look into data readout
- Better online monitors
- Fix for GEBSort_nogeb on MAC
daq control - /global/devel/systems/helios/h057 data - /media/Digios Data/data/h057_he6
Take Data
In the directory that you would like the data to be saved on the digios daq computer, execute:
start_digios_run <run #>
Move Data In the directory you want to put the data on the MAC computer
get_digios_data <run #>
Sorting Data
sorting the root file uses codes located in svn.anl.gov/repos/DigiOS/SiDet/trunk
H054_F21 [Chen, Hoffman, 4/2017]
Sorting the data
- cp data from digios1 daq computer location /media/Digios Data/data/h054_f21 to malaguena data location /music/helios2/H054_F21/digios/data
- cd /music/helios2/H054_F21/digios/data
- rsync --progress --protect-args --size-only -avzPe ssh "dgs@digios1:/media/Digios Data/data/h054_f21/h054*" . [NOTE: not sure this gives you the fastest transfer speeds CRH 8/17]
- merge data files from malaguena working directory /music/helios2/H054_F21/digios/working
- ./gebmerge.sh RUNNUMBER
- sort the data files from malaguena working directory
- ./gebsortmerged.sh RUNNUMBER
- generate general root file from malaguena working directory
- root -l ../root_data/h054_runRUNNUMBER.root
- tree->Process("../codes_trunk/GeneralSort.C+")
- creates gen.root file in working directory
- generate Monitor histograms from malaguena working directory
- root -l gen.root
- gen_tree->Process("../codes_trunk/Monitors.C+")