LN system

From GammaSphere DAQ
Revision as of 03:32, June 26, 2016 by Tlauritsen (talk | contribs)
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Access to the LN fill system from outside

To access the LN fill EPICS pages from outside, do the following

  • ssh -X dgs@dgs1
  • launch the LN EPICS control pages by typing 'lnmain'

If you do not have an account on sonata, the (green) gateway machine to onenet, you should talk to Ken Teh about getting an account on the machine

When do I have to reboot the lnfill IOC?

When there is a valve overtime, it is necessary to reboot the IOC for the alarm to the dialer to reengage.

If it is just a temperature alarm, it is not necessary to reboot the IOC

How do I fill one detector remotely?

This is typically done if a detector warms up before the next fill or after a problem like a clogged bayonet has been fixed.

Locate the EPCICS control screen for the detector in question, then

  • open the valve for tank you want to use
  • and the associated exhaust valve for the line
  • wait for the temperature at the exhaust valve to bottom out (meaning that there is now liquid there)
  • put the exhaust valve back into 'auto mode' again
  • open the valve to the detecor you want to fill
  • wait for the temp at the detector return to bottom out (meaning that there is now liquid there)
  • return the detector valve to 'auto mode'
  • return the tank valve to 'auto mode'

o Analog Gammasphere

what do I do about overtimes?

  • clean bayonet
  • check for leaks in line

when you have solved problem, do a manual fill and don't forget to reboot the IOC

what do I do about undertimes?

  • fill manually after the tank fill!? Or bad sensor? NOT SURE
  • reboot lnfill

case of blown fuse on AB

If a number of detectors have overtime in the same manifold, there may be a blown fuse on an AB module. Look for red 'fuse'. Replace fuse and locate the bad valve. Then switch to a another fill line and disable the bad valve that caused the short

det no and fill line

on ln2con you can say 'findhose' to determine what fill line belongs to the detector that is warming up


  • do not start a full fill of GS from 8pm to midnight while GT is present
  • if a detector starts to warm up less that an hour before the next fill, it is best to leave it alone and wait for the fill. That is to avoid fill under-times at the regular fill which will just cause other problems