To take data with the DGS DAQ, you must start a gtReceiver4 for each of the IOC that are collecting data. This is usually done from a scripts which starts all the necessary receivers necessary and controls the run number.
To get the gtReceiver4 do the following
- cd to where you want to compile the gtReceiver42000000000
- tar -zxvf tar.tgz
- make clean
- make
That should generate the gtReceiver4 program. Here is an example how to run the program:
gtReceiver4 ioc1 data_run_001.gtd 2000000000
Here we are asking gtReceiver4 to acquire data from ioc1 and put the data in the file data_run_001.gtd. That will not actually be one file as gtReceiver4 splits the data stream into a file for each of the digitizers the IOC serves. That makes it easier to merge and time order the DGS data later. 2000000000 specifies the max size of the files, here keeping them under 2GBytes, so they can be read on all machines.