HPC/Module naming scheme 2016

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You have files Remark CentOS-5 uses CentOS-6 uses
names files names files
current situation old .bashrc only new .bashrc only
.modules-carbon-1 avoid old .modules-carbon-1 and .bashrc .bashrc only (.*-1 file is ignored)
.modules-carbon-2 switch over, recommended new .modules-carbon-2 and .bashrc .modules-carbon-2 and .bashrc
.modules-carbon-1 .modules-carbon-2 for advanced cases old .modules-carbon-1 and .bashrc .modules-carbon-2 and .bashrc


Switch over to hierarchical names on all platforms.

  1. Create a customization file for new names, but leave it empty. Use the command:
    touch ~/.modules-carbon-2
  2. Edit your .bashrc file and update your module selection.
    • For module names of the form name/version, remove the version numbers. This will yield the current default version.
    • Run the command module avail name, and append to the names you use the MPI, compiler and versions as needed.
    • If you get errors of the form… ERROR:151: Module 'troubled_name' depends on one of the module(s) 'other_name1 other_name2' …, add module load … commands for the needed module(s) other_names before loading "troubled_name".