Beamline Alignment Quick Reference
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1) Select x-ray energy:
Calculate scattering angle of Si 111 for desired energy with Bragg law calculator
Drive DCM Theta to the correct Bragg angle for the desired energy, drive undulators approximately to this energy as well
i) If DCM theta looks low (~2-4 deg) you may need to re-set user offset (current calibrated theta offset = dial + 8.646deg)
ii) Approximate Si 111 Bragg Theta = asin(1.977084/E keV)
1) Scan mirror piezo:
Set slits to
Slit | H Size (mm) | V Size (mm) |
PBS | 0.2 | 2 |
NES | 2 | 2 |
BDA | 2 | - |
scan mirror piezo +/- 1 V. Set mirror piezo to the maximum.
i) mirror piezo feedback should be OFF
ii) CCD shutter should be set to "manual open"
2) Scan DCM roll:
Set slits to
Slit | H Size (um) | V Size (um) |
PBS | 0.2 | 2 |
NES | 0.2 | 2 |
BDA | 0.025 | - |
and scan roll +/- 0.25 mrad. Set roll to maximum, but correct for back lash.
3) Scan DCM pitch:
Set slits to
Slit | H Size (um) | V Size (um) |
PBS | 2 | 2 |
NES | 2 | 2 |
BDA | 0.025 | - |
and scan pitch +/- 0.05 mrad. Set pitch to max.
4) Scan DCM Bragg: