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This step was necessary because of increasing diversity and interdependence of applications, their modules, and the underlying operating system.
This step was necessary because of increasing diversity and interdependence of applications, their modules, and the underlying operating system.

== Module conventions ==
[[../Module conventions]]
The module naming scheme and usage conventions are follows:
=== Nomenclature ===
: Modules have several name components separated by slash "/", beginning with the applications's main name and ending with the previously only other component, a version and build number. The number and specificity of name components present make apparent to the user which set of tools was used to produce the application and thus usually which modules are needed to satify the application's runtime requirements. Module names have one of the following forms:
''name/version-build'' # deprecated
''name/api/version-build'' # binary packages, compilers
''name/api/compiler/version-build'' # compiled applications
''name/api/mpi/compiler/version-build'' # compiled applications that use MPI
* A partial version number right after the name signifies the [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface API] level across which different versions are expected to be compatible/ It is typically a sole ''major'' version number, or has the form ''major.minor''. Loading a module <code>foo/m.n/compiler/version-build</code> by the abbreviated name <code>foo/m.n</code> enables you to select the features and binary compatibility level that you need without necessarily having to give a complete module name all the way down to a build number.
* A compiler name component is typically present when an application was ''compiled'' here and needs runtime libraries associated with the compiler used. The compiler name component is typically not present for applications installed from binary packages, notably commercial applications and, naturally, compilers themselves.
* An MPI name component is present when an application uses  [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_Passing_Interface MPI] for parallel computations.
: '''''Example:''''' Names for the FFT3 library module in the old and new naming schemes, queried by the <code>module avail</code> shell command:
: {| class="wikitable" <!-- style="width: 50%;" -->
! style="width: 50%;" | Scheme 1 (old)
! style="width: 50%;" | Scheme 2 (new)
| style="vertical-align:top;" |
$ '''module -t avail fftw3'''
<span style="color:#888;">/opt/soft/modulefiles:</span>
<span style="color:#777;">/opt/intel/modulefiles:</span>
<span style="color:#777;">/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:</span>
<span style="color:#777;">/etc/modulefiles:</span>
$ '''module -t avail fftw3'''
<span style="color:#888;">/opt/apps/M/x86_64/EL6:</span>
<span style="color:#999;">/opt/apps/M/x86_64/EL:</span>
fftw3/3.3/'''''impi-5'''''/intel/3.3.4-10 # uses Intel-MPI
fftw3/3.3/intel/3.3.2-1 # legacy, serial only
fftw3/3.3/'''''openmpi-1.10'''''/intel/3.3.4-11 # uses OpenMPI
fftw3/3.3/'''''openmpi-1.4'''''/intel/3.3.2-4 # legacy, OpenMPI
<span style="color:#777;">/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:</span>
<span style="color:#777;">/etc/modulefiles:</span>
:: The <code>-t</code> option of <code>module avail</code> shows the output in "terse" form, one entry per line. Lines ending in ":" are the search directories traversed, as defined <!--at the system level -->by <code>module use ''dirname''</code> statements.
=== A set of default modules is ''not loaded'' by the system ===
* Users must load all applicable modules in their shell setup files or job files, in suitable order.
: This is born of necessity because still useful older applications were compiled with older MPI versions (typically OpenMPI-1.4) which partially interfere with newer versions (OpenMPI-1.8, 1.10, or Intel-MPI-5.x). In particular, commands like <code>mpirun</code> and <code>mpifort</code> are typically provided by each MPI flavor.
=== Modules ''do not load dependencies'' ===
* A module does not implicitly load other modules that it might depend on, such as modules for compilers, an MPI flavor, or specialized libraries. While a minor burden for the user to specify, this will make operations more explicit and predictable.
* Learn to recognize error messages issued by <code>module load</code> when a dependent module is found missing. For instance:
$ '''module load openmpi/1.10'''
openmpi/1.10/intel-16/1.10.2-1(27):ERROR:151: Module '<span style="color:brown;">openmpi/1.10/intel-16/1.10.2-1</span>' '''''depends on one of the module(s)''''' '<span style="color:blue;">intel/16/16.0.2 intel/16/16.0.1-2 intel/16/16.0.0-3 intel/16/16.0.0-1 intel/16/16.0.0-0</span>'
openmpi/1.10/intel-16/1.10.2-1(27):ERROR:102: '''''Tcl command execution failed: <span style="color:red;">prereq intel/16</span>'''''
: Colors do not appear in the original terminal output but were added here for clarity. The <span style="color:red;">red item</span> in the last line shows the prerequisite as stated in the text of the module attempted to be loaded. The currently available modules that would satisfy the requirement are listed in <span style="color:blue;">blue</span>. The full name of the offending module that was located from the abbreviated name given in the command appears in <span style="color:brown;">brown</span>.
* You must load prerequisite modules yourself before modules that depend on them, by full or (recommended) abbreviated name. The typical order is: compiler, MPI, other (dynamic) libraries, and finally your intended module. In the example above, a suitable command would be:
'''module load  intel/16  openmpi/1.10/intel-16'''
* Different MPI flavors can (and may have to) be loaded at the same time. In this situation, MPI commands will have to be called by absolute path, e.g. <code> $OPENMPI_HOME/bin/mpirun …</code>
: Again, this is because the system is less homogeneous than in the past: it is impractical or even impracticable to upgrade and maintain applications at a single "one true" MPI implementation.
=== The set of available modules ''differs between naming schemes'' ===
* Newer modules will only be made available in the newer scheme.
=== The set of available modules ''differs between operating system releases'' ===
* Applications are typically compiled and installed on a node that runs a recent OS release. Some compiled applications are backwards-compatible with a previous OS release, and will be made available there. If we find that is not the case, the respective module will be visible only on the suitable OS release.
== Configuration files used ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;  margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
! rowspan=2 colspan=2 | You have files:<br/>.bashrc and …
! style="color:#888;" rowspan=2 | Remark
! colspan=2 | CentOS-5 uses:
! colspan=2 | CentOS-6 uses:
! files
! module names
! files
! module names
| – || – || style="color:#888; text-align: left;" | Starting situation. || style="background:#ffd;" | .bashrc only || style="background:#ffd;" | scheme 1 || style="background:#ddf;" | .bashrc only || style="background:#ddf;" rowspan=4 | scheme 2
| – || .modules-2 || style="color:#888; text-align: left;" | Switch over, ''recommended.'' || style="background:#ddf;" | .modules-'''2''' and .bashrc || style="background:#ddf;" | scheme 2 || style="background:#ddf;" | .modules-2 and .bashrc
| .modules-1 || – || style="color:#888; text-align: left;" | Only recommended during transition. || style="background:#ffd;" | .modules-1 and .bashrc || style="background:#ffd;" | scheme 1 || style="background:#ddf;" | .bashrc only         
| .modules-1 || .modules-2 || style="color:#888; text-align: left;" | For advanced users. || style="background:#ffd;" | .modules-1 and .bashrc || style="background:#ffd;" | scheme 1 || style="background:#ddf;" | .modules-2 and .bashrc

== New-style module names ==
== New-style module names ==

Revision as of 22:52, February 23, 2016


(*) Environment modules are the means by which software applications are made available to users. Using modules allows users and administrators to pick, by user or even by compute job, a desired or default version of an application from typically several current and historic versions persisting on the system. Older versions are kept to improve reproducibility of results, an important characteristic of scientific computing.

On Carbon, the naming scheme for environment modules* and the set of default modules being loaded for users has changed. This step was necessary because of increasing diversity and interdependence of applications, their modules, and the underlying operating system.

HPC/Module conventions

New-style module names

You may need to adapt the module names that you placed in your shell startup and job files to the new more hierarchical scheme. For most modules, with exceptions show below, the leading name component (the part before any "/") is the same in the old and new naming schemes. What always differs are the name parts after the first slash.

Name change rules

  • To use the latest or automatically selected version of a package, remove version numbers from old-style module names of the formpackagename/version, leaving only packagename. This is the recommended approach, as you will automatically benefit from future updates and maintenance builds.
  • To insist on a specific version for a package in new style names:
    • Inspect the available flavors and versions (some older modules were not migrated):
      module avail packagename.
    • Choose the new-style name up to the desired specificity. You may leave out trailing name or directory parts.
      For instance, instead of vasp5/5.3/openmpi-1.4/intel/5.3.3p3-mkl-3 you may write vasp5/5.3/openmpi-1.4 or vasp5/5.3, letting the system choose the versions for MPI and compiler that are chosen as defaults at a given time.

Renamed modules

For the following modules the newer naming convention allowed for and thus uses more consistent names:

asap3		asap/3

ase2		ase/2
ase3		ase/3

g09		gaussian/09
GaussView	gaussview  (lowercase)
The modules fftw3 and vasp5 did not change name due to more entrenched usage in the package itself, Unix group names, and compilation dependencies.

Determining default module versions

The module avail command under CentOS-6 no longer includes the marker "(default)" when one has been set in a .version file. I am not sure if this is a bug or by design, but the change certainly makes the output more consistent.

To determine which module will be loaded when an abbreviated name is used, I recommend to inspect the first relevant line in the output of one of these commands:

module show name
module help name

Customizing module selection by OS release

Configure in .bashrc

To switch over to new-style module names entirely, on both CentOS releases, you could continue using only ~/.bashrc. To do this:

  • Tell CentOS-5 nodes to offer you the new-style module catalog instead of the old one. To do so, simply create an empty customization file:
touch ~/.modules-2
vi .bashrc
# or:
nano .bashrc
Use a text editor of your choice, such as nano or vi.

Configure in dedicated files

It is perhaps cleaner to perform the module selection in files dedicated for each CentOS release, so that you can make adjustments independently.

To migrate your existing configuration, manage the following files:


Use a helper application to get you started:


Here is an example of what you might see:

$ modules-migrate  

This application will help you adapt your environment-modules customizations to
Carbon's naming scheme updated for 2016.

Your module commands will be moved from .bashrc into files .modules-1 and .modules-2,
so that a node's operating system sees only module names in the appropriate

The file text manipulation done here is fairly basic. You will have
opportunities to review and edit your changes.

Continue? [Y/n] y
diff of changes from .bashrc:

< module load vasp5
< module load g09/D.01.x86_64-2
< module load GaussView
> #	module load vasp5
> #	module load g09/D.01.x86_64-2
> #	module load GaussView
Accept changes in .bashrc? [Y/n] y
Putting in place ...
`.bashrc.tentative' -> `.bashrc'

Opening text editor for .modules-1.tentative .modules-2.tentative ...
Continue? [Y/n] y
(editor session omitted.)
Review: "module" lines in new files:                                                                                                                 ======================================================================

==> .modules-1.tentative <==
# Carbon modules initialization for v1-style module names, used on CentOS-5.
# To stop using v1-style modules, remove this file.
# Initially extracted from .bashrc by modules-migrate .
# This file is in TCL syntax.

module load vasp5
module load g09/D.01.x86_64-2
module load GaussView

# vim:syntax=tcl:

==> .modules-2.tentative <==
# Carbon modules initialization for v2-style module names, used on CentOS-6.
# Also used on CentOS-5 if .modules-1 does not exist.
# Initially extracted from .bashrc by modules-migrate .
# This file is in TCL syntax.

module load vasp5
module load gaussian/09/D.01.x86_64-2
module load gaussview

# vim:syntax=tcl:
Accept changes (a), Edit (e), or Quit (q)? a
Renaming files ...
`.modules-1.tentative' -> `.modules-1'
`.modules-2.tentative' -> `.modules-2'