Detailed Steps for Tuning In-Flight Beams

From ATLAS Accelerator In-Flight Beam Program
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Overview Steps, Helpful Links, and an Example of an In-Flight Tune (eventually)

Once steps for degraded beam tuning have been completed and a good focus is found at the RAISOR midplane (Separate detailed sheet for this), the steps below can be used to help guide the identification and tuning of the secondary beam.

  1. 1st - get a reference spectrum of the degraded beam for the RAISOR Exit DE-E (50um, 1000um)
    1. Check the transport of the degraded beam to the RAISOR exit faraday cup
    2. Insert all available attenuation (~x15 Million) and further cut back the beam by x100 (or more) using upstream slits
    3. Insert the RAISOR Exit DE-E detector
    4. Check that detectors are showing noise on scope and daq
    5. Place beam on detectors and slowly remove attenuation until rates are roughly >100 Hz & <1000 Hz
    6. Take ref spectrum - save the settings file as they should not be changed if possible for the duration of the run
  1. 2nd - identify the secondary beam Note: if secondary beam is weak or scale factor is unreliable see optional step below.
    1. Scale all RAISOR magnets to the desired rigidity of the secondary beam (calculation of this value from TOF data etc is done on the inflXXX pages accessible from the wiki home).
    2. Remove attenuation as necessary to achieve the 100 - 1000 Hz rates on the Si detectors
    3. Take a fixed time run with the daq (Compass and Ryan's boxscore separately would be good to cross check things).
    4. Identify the isotope of interest based on calculated energies or previous production of the isotope
    5. Calculate the rate of the isotope of interest as the pps / pnA [note: pnA value from FCA001 divided by q of primary beam]
    6. Identify the same isotope on the data room scope (either from DE or E signal), and try to confirm the rate as pps / pnA
    7. Repeat rate measurement for RAISOR scaling factors both +1% and -1% around the initial value to ensure you are on the peak of the yield (i.e. if scale was 3% from degraded, then try 2% and 4%)
    1. Optional: If secondary beam not found in Option 1, or is know to be difficult
      1. Incrementally scale the RAISOR magnets in 1% steps, each time removing attenuation to achieve the 100-1000 Hz rates and searching for the beam of interest
  1. 3rd - optimize and transmit secondary beam


  • primary beam - the beam species and charge state taken out of the source at the ATLAS energy requested
  • degraded beam - the same beam species as the primary beam but at a different (lower) energy and most likely different (higher) charge state
  • production target - the target put in place before RAISOR, e.g., Be foil or Gas Cell